If you are conscientious, you can create a brilliant creative strategy and promote a noble cause. However, there are many ways you can go wrong, and one is to run the right advertising in the wrong media. How do you tell the right from the wrong? Every method of marketing has its own particular strength. Radio, along with telephone marketing and the Internet, is one of most intimate of the media, allowing you to spend chunks of time in one-on-one’ situations with your audience. Sometimes the listeners will be in crowded restaurants. But other times they’ll be in their cars or in their homes—alone. Ranking just as high or higher in the intimacy department is the Internet because of its built-in interactivity, chances for feedback, immediacy and cozy chat sessions. Haven’t got time to write a regular column? No problemo. Write an article instead. Do it once, then reap the benefits for years afterward. Doing an article is a lot like doing a column, only you do it one time only. Tell the editor of the publication you select to grace with your prose that you’ll do it at no cost and that you won’t try to sell anything to anybody. Ask to be identified by your name and phone number plus website. Then, when your article appears, make 10,000 reprints. Maybe even 20,000. Use them all over the place – in emails, on your website, as handouts, wherever you can reach serious prospects. The newspaper is a prime medium for disseminating the news. And that strength can become your strength. Advertising in the newspaper, other than in the classified section, should be newsy, interruptive, and to the point. Magazines are a medium with which readers become involved, the one that bestows upon you the greatest credibility. Whether readers buy individual newsstand copies or subscribe, they take a good, long time to read them. In your magazine ad you can attempt to capture the editorial “mood” of the magazine. You can put forth more information because readers will be willing to take more time reading a magazine ad than a newspaper ad. The credibility of the magazine becomes partly linked to you. Television is the most comprehensive medium: it enables you to convince your prospects by means of actual demonstrations.
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