Guerrilla Marketing: using time, energy, imagination and outside the box ideas (versus lots of money) to produce better marketing results.
Chances are you landed on this web site and are currently in one of the following three situations:
I can emphasize with you. I have been in all three of those drastically different positions and mindsets over the last ten years. How you got to where you are now is not what matters, what matters is what you do next. The specific, strategic and actionable steps that will take you from where you are now to where you need to go.
What if I were to tell you that regardless of the current state of affairs of your business that you are sitting on a goldmine that is ready to be mined? All you need is the proper tools and training and prosperity and profits will be yours for the taking.
This is where Guerrilla Marketing training comes in. Guerrilla Marketing is the best selling marketing series of all times. There are over 22 million books in print, 58 volumes translated into 62 different languages. If you were getting ready to mine a goldmine would you want to seek help a new company in the business or one with a track-record of success for 33+ years?
The techniques, tactics, strategies and weapons have been battle-tested and work 100% when deployed correctly. The latter part makes all the difference in the world: correct deployment is critical for Guerrilla Marketing to work successfully for your business.
Let us help you mine your goldmine and move on your path to profits with Guerrilla Marketing!
We have a course launching in March of 2017 (has not been opened for almost three years) as well as Guerrilla Marketing Coaching to help.
The Guerrilla Marketing training company was formed in partnership with Jay Conrad Levinson and Guerrilla Marketing International in 2010 and is run by Michael Tasner the former Chief Marketing Officer for Guerrilla Marketing International and a licensed and certified Guerrilla Marketing Master Trainer.
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