You don’t have to give away free things in order to be generous. You can prove your generosity by your ability to listen and see things from your customer’s point of view. You can prove it by your willingness to share information, by the inside tips your give to your customers. There’s a big difference between generosity and negotiation. You can demonstrate your generosity by your willingness to cut corners in your customer’s favor, but you don’t have to cut prices. Time, though you’ve probably lived all your life believing the contrary, is not money. If you run out of money, there are many ways to scrounge up more. If you run out of time — well, that’s all she wrote. The Roper Poll, Gallup Poll, Harris Poll, and the Universities of Maryland and Pennsylvania, conduct studies each year on what Americans cherish the most. In l988, time hit the top of the list. It has remained there ever since and will remain there for the rest of our lives. Time, rather than being money, is life itself. And everyone knows it. It does help, as if I had to tell you, if your margins allow you to give some things away – especially after you’ve made the sale. That’s where generosity really stands out — when people don’t expect it. My client who tosses in a free set of linen once a bed has been purchased, or the car dealer that gives a free GPS system once a car has been purchased – those companies are known for their generority because the customers want to talk about such a delightful and surprising thing that just happened to them. It’s true. Customers do talk about positive happenings they’ve had during their purchase experience and if your generosity is apparent, that’s a very positive thing to talk about. Of course, you aim for bliss in every detail of the purchase experience. Generosity is just one of those details.
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