Many other businesses like yours offer a whale of a lot of benefits. Prospects will study them as they study your business to determine how these benefits can have a positive impact on their lives. But they’ll probably end up buying from the business that offers what you don’t have. Meaning: you’ve got to offer what they don’t. You’ve got to not only offer but also feature benefits not available from your competition. You benefit even more if your testimonials are from people meaningful to your prospects. In their inner minds, prospects unconsciously ask, “Is this person like me?” “Does this person have the kind of problems that I face?” “Did he or she want the kind of results that I want?” “Is that person’s situation like mine? The best testimonials state the problem, use real words said by real people, and state real numbers, along with real solutions to a problem. I’m not sure about you, but I have trouble believing testimonials signed by, say, Mrs. J.T. Dallas. I have no difficulty at all believing complimentary comments made by Steve Neese, 6808 Crandon Avenue, Chicago. You should center your marketing around your competitive advantage. If you don’t have one, you should create one. Invent it, then live up to it. All other things being equal, the business with the most competitive advantages will win out every time. It does not cost a lot to offer such an advantage. Time, energy, imagination, and knowledge will be your primary investments. The richer your imagination, the easier it will be to come up with competitive advantages. Exercising your imagination in this way will be one of the most cost-effective uses of that imagination. Just take a few moments to examine your business through the eyes of your customers and you’ll soon see benefits that you can offer, benefits not offered by those who compete with you. I hope you have a long list of them, but the truth is that you don’t need many. You only need one good one.
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