It’s not just in mass media marketing that you can exert creativity. When customers of Crystal Fresh Bottled Water request to have the water delivered, they receive a thank-you note signed by Jeanette, Lee, Joyce, Diane, Jered, Nancy, Chet, Tim, Walt, Raye, Shelly, and Dan. Customers probably mention this to several of their friends and neighbors. The guerrilla style of creativity takes time, energy, imagination, and information. But you can see that it doesn’t have to take much money. As a guerrilla, you are obligated to become knowledgeable about a broad range of topics. Guerrillas are generalists, not specialists. Guerrillas know that to remove the mystique from the creative process, they must think backward. They start by picturing the mind of their customer at the moment that customer makes a decision to purchase. What led to that decision? What were the thought processes? What made them take place? What were the customer’s buttons and what did you do to push them? Thinking backward takes you to the needs and desires that are crucial to motivation. But it also makes sense, if you’re to be creative and successful, to think forward. Get the prospects to visualize life after they have made the purchase you want them to make. Convince them to sense the feeling they’ll have once they have made that investment. The ability to do that separates the guerrillas from the monkeys.
Michael Tasner (our Chief Marketing Officer) is hosting a free event with Loral Langemeier on January 26th. It’s in beautiful Sacramento, California! Spend a few hours with the nation’s top business experts on putting more cash in your pocket and taking your life to the next level.
From Loral you’ll discover:
* New ways to create MORE CASH
* How to FOCUS your goals to get results
* What SEQUENCE of ACTIONS is right for you
* Who you really need on your TEAM
* How to acquire the right MINDSET
* Where to find NEW CASH
And Michael will show you 7 Ways to Double Your PROFITS Without Spending A Dime By Using Guerrilla Marketing!
Don’t miss out on this free live event! Click here to learn more and to register.
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